January 2021
Happy New Year Maple Ridge!
Happy New Year, Maple Ridge,
2020 was difficult for us all, however our community continues to grow stronger than ever. Your Maple Ridge Board continues to work on ways to improve our home values and offer new options for membership status to help our community now and in the future. These exciting initiatives are available to read in the November and December newsletters. If you have questions or suggestions to further improve Maple Ridge, please attend our next community HOA meeting noted in the "Announcements" section!
Thank you to everyone that participated in our December "Light Up Maple Ridge event"! From traditional wreaths to larger than life blow-ups, many of our neighbors made the season bright! Sugarloaf United Methodist Church even featured some of our brightest neighborhood homes in their "Night of Lights" event! Our social committee selected winners in 3 categories:
Through a Child Eyes - Inflatables, characters, music, anything to make the kids “ooh” and “ahh”
Clark Griswold (Christmas Vacation) - Full throttle lights and festive decorations
Maple Ridge Masterpiece - Overall grand prize winner
Take a look at the top winners and many other beautiful homes are highlighted in our "Ridge Pics" section.
We hope you each have happiness and health in this new year!
Happy New Year!
Maple Ridge Homeowners Association

South Scales Entrance Update
January Installation
The installation of new metal fencing between the brick columns, new signs and column lighting will be installed this month at the South Scales entrance! The Suwanee Creek Entrance will hopefully follow in February, however we are still awaiting the custom fabrication of the arched metal fencing for that entrance.

Community Wide Meeting
February 2021
The board will hold a community wide meeting in February, tentatively scheduled for the 22nd. We will discuss recent improvements, the transition to permanent member status and your suggestions to further improve our community. For more information on the current initiatives underway, please read the HOA Update from November and December newsletters.

Suggestion Box!
Please share your Suggestions or feedback
As we enter a new year we would like to hear your ideas, suggestions or feedback to further improve Maple Ridge! If you have anything community related on your mind please take a minute to share your thoughts with the HOA!

Happy Birthday to those celebrating in January!
Jim Hammett
Richard Hicks
Jennifer Hull
Landon Kingery
Jim Kinney
Walker McGraw
Abel Miller
Lily Okeson
Mark Pieper
Kaleb Pittman
Jill Schoenrock
Brynnan Taylor
Sandy Tobias
Upcoming Events
Branch out and Stay Connected

Back To School!
Gwinnett County Second Semester
Gwinnett County school children return back to school on January 7th. Please continue to drive slow and yield to school busses in the neighborhood.

Bring One For The Chipper!
Saturday, January 9th, 9:00AM - SIms Lake Park
Take your Christmas Tree to Sims Lake Park on January 9th at 9:00am to have it chipped and used for mulch in local parks.
4600 Suwanee Dam Road
Contact: Nicole Schnepper - 770-945-8996

Community Wide Meeting
Monday, February 22nd, 6PM
The Maple Ridge HOA will hold a community-wide meeting tentatively scheduled for 2/22 at a location to be determined. More details to follow.

Maple Ridge Shout Outs!
Recognizing those that make Maple Ridge a great community!

Congratulations Sincevich Family
The Sincevich Family on Eryn Circle is this months Yard of the Month!
Congratulations to the Sincevich Family! [Enlarge Picture]

Thank you for Lighting Up Maple Ridge!
Maple Ridge was Lit!
It was nothing but fun and festive in Maple Ridge last month! Thanks to all who helped spread a little more holiday cheer this year. See all the "Light Up Maple Ridge" holiday decoration winners below in Ridge Pics!

Maple Ridge Wins City Championship!
Congratulations Senior Women's Tennis
These ladies deserve another month of celebration! Maple Ridges' Senior Women's Tennis Team, captained by Sharon Newkam has accomplished an amazing feat in winning the ALTA City Championships! Maple Ridge hosted the championship matches on 11/9 and won 2 of the 3 championship matches to win it all! Congratulations Maple Ridge Tennis! [Enlarge Picture]
Ridge Pics
Community Event and Sports Recaps
Pictures from Santa's Drive By on Suwanee Creek

"Light up Maple Ridge"
Christmas Lights in Maple Ridge

Maple Ridge Sports!
Stay Active, Compete and have fun with your Neighbors!

Maple Ridge Mantarays Swim Team
The Mantarays weren't able compete this year but were able to keep some normalcy with small group sessions with coaches and teammates. Look for the Mantarays again in the spring of 2021 and for more information on the team and how your child can get involved, please visit https://www.mapleridgeswimteam.com/

Maple Ridge Tennis
Maple Ridge Tennis teams compete all year with Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter seasons. If you are interested in joining the team, even if you just want to practice with the team, please contact us and we will have a team captain reach out to you!

Maple Ridgemen Softball Team
The Maple Ridgemen Softball Team is a fun, semi-competitive team playing in the Gwinnett County Softball League at George Pierce Park. The Ridgemen play in the Spring and Fall seasons. For more information on joining the team, please contact the HOA and the team manager will reach out to you!
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