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HOA News

March 2021

February 22, 2021 Maple Ridge HOA Community Meeting Minutes

Maple Ridge Homeowners’ Meeting

February 22, 2021


  1. Secretary’s Report

    1. Previous meeting’s minutes approved

  2. Treasurer’s Report

    1. Homeowners’ Association Account Balance:  $2,381

      1. Still to pay this month $1,481 - 1 month of utilities (internet and phone)

      2. Recent purchases included entrance signs, lights, and landscaping for approximately $6600

      3. Areas of saving this month included power bill, no major pool repairs, no lifeguards, and water bill decreased

    2. 2021 budget will be set and finalized at April HOA meeting

    3. Treasurer noted there is a 30 day limit for submission of receipts.

  3. Social Committee Report

    1. Movies in the Lot tentatively scheduled for March 19 

      1. family movie TBD

      2. rain back-up date: March 26

    2. Easter Egg hunt tentatively scheduled for Saturday, April 4

      1. Ages and safety protocols TBD

    3. Pool opening party in May 

      1. Plans to include membership promotion to increase HOA numbers 

  4. Landscape Committee Report

    1. Spring clean up scheduled for April

    2. Wooden fence around the pool removed and electrical works re-wired

  5. VP Report 

    1. Swim league moving forward with 2021 season, more info to come in April 

  6. President’s Report

    1. The HOA newsletter update

      1. Started in September, regularly has 140-150 views a month

      2. The goal is to keep neighbors up to date, build community, offer a space for questions and suggestions, and help the board stay informed

    2. Signs are updated at both entrances with painted columns and lights on the columns. Entrances have custom metal fencing and signage.. 

      1. HOA board is considering solar light for the ground

      2. HOA board is considering using the old sign by the pool or tennis courts

    3. Mandatory HOA and membership types

      1. Lots of info sent via email and newsletter from October to December

      2. Colleen (President) is working with a lawyer to move Maple Ridge from an optional to mandatory HOA.

        1. A mandatory HOA would benefit the neighborhood to maintain home values by offsetting amenities updates and getting access to loans as an HOA when needed

      3.  The goal is not to add restrictions, unless needed and voted on with a proper vote

        1. No home can be forced to be in the mandatory HOA

      4. Covenants will include a rental cap at 10% (20 homes) to match county limit and must be single family rentals

        1. Room rentals are a county violation and result in citations

        2. All homes in MR are single family homes

        3. HOA does not have the authority to issue citations

      5. 3 options for membership under new covenants (Details of all provided in March Letter from HOA)

        1. Permanent Membership

        2. Planned Permanent Membership

        3. Non-Member

      6. The goal is to have the new HOA documents finalized by March to present at the HOA meeting in April.

    4. Possible bylaws update needed

      1. Currently 4 board members and unable to break a split vote

      2. Consideration for a vote once a year to transition board members into new roles

      3. Any bylaw changes would also go to the county

  7. Q and A discussions

    1. Rental concerns have been reported by the HOA to the county 

    2. Recommendation for covenant against parking on the street 

    3. Pool rules are on the website

    4. No extra fee for moving from mandatory to swim/tennis membership

  8. Next meeting scheduled for April 12th


Meeting adjourned

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